The development of Fueled by Hotdogs took place over several years, which had many months where I didn't touch the project. I'm sort of following suit with what the work I've done on an improved base for a follow-up game.
Overall, I'm glad I got the warm reception to fbhd. I'm also happy that I got a lot of good feedback on how to improve.
I'm a programmer primarily, and I love making game mechanics, and tinkering around with them -- that's where I spent most of the development time for fbhd. This came at the cost of content. The game's progression, I felt, lacked some cohesion, and was generally inconsistent in how much time was put into environmental design and enemy placement. I want to change that.
For the follow up, I started from scratch. I am still working on programming movement mechanics, and I've already fixed some of the most annoying problems I had with fbhd.
What I'm really excited about is the changes to gunplay. Months ago, I made a really nice procedural recoil system that gives the guns great feel, and made the firing animations feel a lot less rigid. In addition, I've improved in my workflow for making new weapon models. Here are a few renders:
will post more stuff later if people are interested.
yes yes yesss